Investment Criteria
Since the Funds were established with specific goals in mind,
companies chosen for investment must meet the criteria below:
- The company must have its primary place of business in
Ohio, or intend to move to Ohio upon funding.
- Technology must be a primary driving force for the
company's business. The current focus areas for investment
- Advanced Materials related to advanced polymers,
ceramics, composites, carbon fibers and nanotubes, and
specialty metals and alloys
- Aero propulsion Power Management
- Fuel Cells and Energy Storage
- Medical Technology related to imaging, surgical
instruments/equipment, implant devices, and regenerative
- Software Applications for business and healthcare
- Sensing and Automation Technologies
- Situational Awareness and Surveillance Systems
- Solar Photovoltaics
- The First Fund will typically provide the first
investment of capital outside of the founder and his/her
"friends and family".
- With the capital supplied by the Fund, the company
should be able to reach significant milestones, and be in a
position to attract conventional equity funding upon the
completion of that work.
- The company should be following a business model and
targeting a market which will make it attractive to venture
capitalists in its later stages.
Members of the Fund will make the final determination
regarding how well a company meets these and other investment